As far as free traffic methods go, if you do not have a strategy for generating a large amount of inexpensive traffic, then you should consider developing a piggy-back method for yourself. Actually, a Piggy-Back Traffic method was originally designed for use by affiliate marketers, because not only do you "piggy-back" on Authority Sites to get high rankings in MSN and other search engines, you also "piggy-back" on the websites themselves because they actually host the page that gets the ranking! Unlike affiliate models that require you to use PPC (Pay-Per-Click) when you are not ready and spend a ton of money, your goal should be to generate a positive ROI (Return On Investment) for next to nothing. This can make your life infinitely easier. I know how it is. When you are first getting started, you do not have a ton of cash to throw around, and frankly you probably DO have more time than money. Not spending a small fortune in the process of generating traffic could save you a lot of stress and not to mention the feeling of emptiness as your wallets size starts to wither away.
To tell you the truth, I stayed away from most of the free traffic methods, because they generally require too much work for the little return on investment (your time). Boy was I wrong! After my piggy-back traffic method delivered me some of the quickest results I have ever seen with my own 2 eyes, I realized something. This could be the perfect strategy to test all my new products and all my new offers with virtually zero risk. Once you read and learn about creating a piggy-back traffic method for yourself, no longer will you need to spend money on expensive advertising campaigns just to get you off the ground. You can test and see the results on all of the new products you promote before making a financial commitment towards any advertising.
You should find that it is not really complicated and it is quite easy, any method that helps you make an educated decision without spending first is a great way to establish your business. Bottom line is that everybody wants traffic, right? And there's a ton of ways to get it. The traffic flow this creates will last for months - even years, can your PPC (Pay-Per-Click) campaign do that. No longer will you need to work your tail off keeping up with optimizing your web sites for the search engines. You can if you want. But this new method is much easier, and much faster... Posted a picture of my results.